

to the Department of Developmental Psychology

How do individuals develop from infancy to very old age? Why do developmental pathways differ between individuals? What are the contributions of biology, social and historical contexts, and the developing individuals themselves? How can one characterize and promote positive development? These are some of the questions that developmental psychology seeks to answer.

The team of our department is committed to the tradition of lifespan psychology. We offer classes in Bachelor and Master programs that address basic and applied aspects of human development from conception to death. The lifespan approach also infuses our research agenda. Together with national and international cooperation partners, we investigate children, adolescents, and adults from various age groups, including very old age. Our research interests include, among others, the development of socio-emotional and self-regulatory processes. Findings from our studies have been published in numerous internationally renowned journals and books.

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  • We are looking for a postdoctoral fellow to join our team at (100%). Find more information about the job posting hereExternal link Application Deadline: March 3, 2025
  • Dr. Antje Rauers was awarded 2024 teaching award for Best Seminar at the Institute of Psychology. Congratulations!
  • New DFG Project „Verbesserte Messung von sozialen und gesundheitsbezogenen Prozessen in Panelstudien durch ereignisbedingte Multimethodalen-Erfahrungsstichproben-Designs (SHERPA)“: This project is headed by Tobias Koch and Michaela Riediger. The project will be funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation) mit 475.768 Euro for the duration of 3 years.
  • New DFG Project “Biopsychosocial benefits from in-person socializing versus video-mediated contact in old age”: The project is headed by Antje Rauers, Michaela Riediger and Uwe Altmann and collaborates with Tobias Koch. The project will be funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation) with 547.605,30 Euros for the duration of 3 years.


Department of Developmental Psychology

Opening hours:
by appointment

You can find our laboratory here:

Center for Lifespan Developmental Science, Room 2nd Floor
Semmelweisstr. 12
07743 Jena Google Maps site planExternal link